The Land and those involved

It's been a while since I've posted anything on The Chaotic Front. I have been mostly observant on matters of politics and quality of life.

Let me speak about something now. It is this land issue and the multiple parties involved in it. As you know, a polygon has many corners and South Africa right now is like a square mutating into a hypercube. On one end, we have the Black First Land First, movement. They have been vocal and true to their name since day 1. Although their president never answers any of my questions, I still have respect for them and wish them the best of luck in the forthcoming election. For the record, I asked him almost 2 years ago if he would be running for elections and again this year but it seems they are finally convicted to it.

Then on another corner we have parties like the EFF. Who have been so busy sticking their hands in so many different political pies it is surprising they can even assemble a cohesive tweet. They have been parroting what BLF has been saying for years because, in all honesty, it was Mr Mngxitama (while in the EFF) who cared about the land while Mr Malema only cares about his position and flipping metaphorical tables. A real shit-stirrer if there ever was one. He is not a fool, just unfocused and missing core principles. I would be more faithful and a tad more comfortable in the Economic Freedom Fighters if Mbuyiseni Ndlozi was the Commander In Chief (as they prefer that term for their leader.)

Then there is AfriFrorum. A group which is meant to be a humanitarian NGO working for the best interests of South Africans but is more like the AWB's new generation baby. They  attack anything that is Black led. They are a petty group who have been challenging any progressive Black efforts and transformative works. They have supporters like Die Suidlanders, who are believers in the fiction of South African white genocide. They even have the silly idea that the African National Congress is communist. Far from it, as nice as that would be.

Now, lest we name every member in this pit fight that is the land question ( Organisation for Undoing Tax Abuse and other outlying players) we would like to focus on the Land Question itself.

In Political Science 101, we were introduced to the Land Question. We were informed that this Land Question is not actually a question, but a complex of questions and tenets that speak to Land and how it is handled within any sovereign state. I simplify, but let's keep it simple. Simplicity layered upon simplicity is what eventually causes complexity after all.

Let us consider a facet of the Land Question. Labour. Who has the right to work the land? A state sets up laws about such things. And this republic known as South Africa has not done much to alter the laws set up by the old Apartheid government. A simple example of this is the fact that we are still a republic.  Also, the land ownership,as has been proven by many research groups has not even shifted to 50/50 against the native and the settler. Simply put, white people still own more land than any other demographic ind this country. Even though the government is compromised of a Black president and deputy. And even though the ruling party's Executive Committe is predominantly Black, we are yet to see policies that reflect pro-Blackness.
The reasons for this are clear and outlined by many others.

My concern lies here: South Africa is young. We are much younger than Zimbabwe and it would pay us great reward to learn from Zimbabwe's last 60 years. We need to apply land reform and quickly so that by the time we reach a mature age of 50 years of liberation, we can actually see the fruits of liberation on the native populous. To do this, extreme measures surely have to be taken. The Chaotic Front is my opinion engine and I do not apologise for my words. If we are going to mince words and be diplomatic with matters of life and death, I guarantee you South Africa will still have 5%  Black ownership of land by 2040. Did they not kill our intellectuals for attempting to educate us on the criminality of bills like the Group Areas Act or The Land Act? Did they not ban the ANC when they were still an actual force for Black liberation? Those of us who read have seen the works written in black and white stating clearly that the Black must be pitted against the Black. That the white man must remain in control of the economy from then until almighty god comes back. ( Fuck you, spellchecker, god is in lower case.) The Black is meant to be a labourer and little else.

We are faced with a war of civility on our hands. On one hand the current and unelected President of the country is a double standard wielding elite white collar thief. Yes, Cyril Ramaphosa. While our previous duly elected President (JG Zuma) was never found guilty of any thing. Ironic is it not that all the recent economic turmoil in South Africa comes after the deposing of the man all white and Uncle Tom media claimed was corrupt. We are not going to get economic freedom in our lifetime nor will we get the land back until we utterly reprogram our people. This means our media houses need cleaning from the top down. News for truth over briefcases and brown envelope journalism. News to educate instead of feeding disinformation and in-fighting.

Economics is another aspect. Consider, Farmers Weekly is owned by Afrikaners. They dictate the price of everything that grows and feeds off the African land. Yet, native workers on those farms get ZAR500 a month and even less. Dispossessed and stripped of even the right to dictate where cows graze. What new South Africa is this because it looks like the pre-Madiba Magic we grew up in is fictitious. Our living spaces have not been altered. I know that the policies of group areas are still active. Don't believe me, then read the census from 1988 til 2016 and tell me what you see. Blacks still predominantly live outside the centers of commerce and own less agricultural land. Read about how the CIA basically set up the 1994 election. And see that change won't come in SA until we change not just Section 25 but this idea of the Republic as well. We need to keep the foreign influence minimal. This South Africa was not constructed to serve Black people, so even with Blacks at the helm, it never will. An extreme overhaul is required. There is much still to tackle in what I have begun to say. I will expand later on this month.


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