A Message to the Suidlanders

Hi. You probably think you have it the worst in this Nuwe Suid Afrika. But I pray that your more enlightened friends can help you see.
The people killing your brethren in your farms are not the military or the police. You are victims of crime, not genocide. That means you need to man up and build a South Africa where Blacks dont hate you. And where you don't hate Blacks. Hate is a poison. Blacks will hate you less and less the more you own up to the living history that is your Apartheid and institutionalized, violent and unequal land ownership.

Blacks also get attacked and die in their homes. In the townships that you do not travel , we die everyday, shot by cops, thugs and criminals no Blacker than we. My family survived such a home attack just this year.  You are not unique or more special than we, the darker South Africans.  We did not run to Obama to come help us stop the daily abuses to our kith and kin at your farms. We are hoping to get more land to control our own destiny. You do not speak for all Whites, as I do not speak for all Blacks. I speak for perspective.

The rueful day where our military attacks "your" farms is unlikely but push the agenda of this false genocide and things might change.  The world is for all humans and the Afrikaaner in particular needs to own up to their gains from the criminal actions of not only the Apartheid government but also South Afrcan Democratic government which let you keep what is not yours without recourse or repatriation.

This is a tentative time. Be wise. Go and have a meeting. Discuss changing your inner lives and re-evaluate your reality. This idea of seperate development will not work because it is born of fear, racialism and also racism. You are afraid, yes. You are under threat. You are also deserve the right to life. Do not forget, though, that the Blacks have far less than you and are hungry. Hungry for life, justice and a space to bury their dead without asking your permission. A storm is always coming, but don't manufacture a crisis when it is not just about you.

That is my word. And there are many more.


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