Distractions: Keeping Colonialism Alive
South Africa is a stable colony, at best. It is still controlled by foreign interests over local ones. The abilities for colonial powers to control entire populations from afar were only refined by the globalisation of democracy. We have clearly seen that every single resource (barring water and the Sun) reaches foreigners first and not the locals. Yes, even meat is exported to Europe from Port Elizabeth, Cape Town and Durban. Those are places where we also confirmed the movement of untaxed metals and vehicles. Then there is the Chamber of Mines, which has been a mafia controlling the precious metals and gems of South Africa for hundreds of years.
Well to distract the public from a state captured too long ago, they have created patsies to take the fall while they loot. One should really check the South African presses. Investigate the news, dont just accept it or disagree. Investigate. Because what we are short of more than ever is perspective. Factionalisation is a big thing, in South Africa and the politics from the ground to Luthuli House is rife with it. Let us think briefly on the Moerane Commision. It is no new thing that people in all provinces have been killing each other over political positions. To be a ward councillor is usually synonymous with being a killer, as there is so much competition for the few positions available. And way too many of these councillors are inept. They just wanna eat. Someone usually ends up dead. At this time, the focus is on KwaZulu.
Senzo Mchunu showed respect for the Commision yet was quite frank even considering the fact that the next sentence out of his mouth could be a nail in his coffin. The parallel we would like to draw here is this current commision's findings compared to the Truth and Reconciliation Commision (TRC) of the 90s. What was achieved? Was there any applicable value gained? Considering that a copy of the TRC report stretches across 5 volumes that are completely unafordable to tothe avarage South African. Considering that the access to information is a vital element in basic education. Considering also the life of Nelson Mandela. Let us ask then, why do our commissions lack teeth?
We gather that the illusion of interest in actual change must be kept. To spend unnecessary amounts of resources inquiring for the truth, only to have these truths incarcerated in a book that 90% of the population (of RSA) will never read. To spend time reporting it but never applying all the information gathered. We call shenanigans. There is a distraction game going on and it's bigger than isihluthu saMbuyiseni Ndlozi. Look at how political movements are formed and yet, 23 years down the line, the mines and banks are still run by foreign powers? Look at how they killed Hani and Lubowski yet still keep Armscor alive?
These commissions found Bantu Biko's killers and let them go. Not even a trial by media that South African media are so masterful at. So what is the point of spending weeks in courts exposing the truths of the nation when no one, not the most powerful or the weakest here, will apply it?
Here is a scary fact, no one has used the words "state capture" in South African TV before 2016. It was a ruse term sent to distract the public from a rising media group that was exposing what is now popularly known as White Monopoly Capital. It is clear from the history of South Africa that White males have controlled the economy for as long as we can remember. The best that Black males (dont even get me started on patriarchy) could do was get some White male backing and pretend that they run a Black Economic Empowerment company. But power is rarely in the front page. True power tells the the front page what to say.
In these times, South Africans are reeling and witch-hunting after 3 words were injected into their psyches. 1. State 2.Capture. 2. Guptas.
Instead of looking at the agenda from a historical and even political perspective, we have had a trial-by-press that even Oscar Pistorius didnt receive. And he actually shot someone. To any honest learned person, it is clear that the character assassination of the Gupta family is just business. It has little to do with protecting the values of the South African Constitution. South Africa does not protect its Constitution unless told to do so by private parties. Our President Elect, J. Zuma has had a tough time purely because he has been playing them at their own game. Corruption is not a genetically tailored virus that only infects the ANC. Was the board of directors at KPMG Black, or even ANC? Are ABSA Bank and Rand Merchant Bank Black owned? No. But look back into the archives of this blog and you will see Armscor leaks as well as leaks about Durban, which show how corruption is across all racial lines. Corruption is systematic. And the commisions we keep creating will not solve it because they lack teeth. Is it not interesting that Johan Rupert's competition has been all but excised from business practise? Yet he has the audacity to come out and say land expropriation is theft.
No one in parliament cried for jobs lost from the Gupta witch hunt. Yet job creation, fighting poverty and unemployment is an PR cornerstone for all political parties. No teeth. All talk.
While we fight about White people vs Black people, we are still being exploited by a building called the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. While the SACP slanders the ANC slanders the EFF slanders the DA slanders the UDM, we are being duped by Unilever, Goldman Sachs, British Petroleum...( etc. and so etc.) to give away our wealth, health and security.
The news is a tool for social control. Even stats about Hurricane Maria and Irma were exaggerated while we the Writer were comparing live weather data with the news on TV. We watched them lie about the weather. So how much truth is the economic and political news bulletins? But people are not investigating the news. They are not critisizing. And while you can be told what the truth is by someone else, you are not your own person.
To conclude:
South Africa is run from outside.
Agents from outside keep you distracted so they can keep looting.
South Africa runs great commisions of inquiry that do nothing of value, ultimately.
The media is a tool for capitalism.
Well to distract the public from a state captured too long ago, they have created patsies to take the fall while they loot. One should really check the South African presses. Investigate the news, dont just accept it or disagree. Investigate. Because what we are short of more than ever is perspective. Factionalisation is a big thing, in South Africa and the politics from the ground to Luthuli House is rife with it. Let us think briefly on the Moerane Commision. It is no new thing that people in all provinces have been killing each other over political positions. To be a ward councillor is usually synonymous with being a killer, as there is so much competition for the few positions available. And way too many of these councillors are inept. They just wanna eat. Someone usually ends up dead. At this time, the focus is on KwaZulu.
Senzo Mchunu showed respect for the Commision yet was quite frank even considering the fact that the next sentence out of his mouth could be a nail in his coffin. The parallel we would like to draw here is this current commision's findings compared to the Truth and Reconciliation Commision (TRC) of the 90s. What was achieved? Was there any applicable value gained? Considering that a copy of the TRC report stretches across 5 volumes that are completely unafordable to tothe avarage South African. Considering that the access to information is a vital element in basic education. Considering also the life of Nelson Mandela. Let us ask then, why do our commissions lack teeth?
We gather that the illusion of interest in actual change must be kept. To spend unnecessary amounts of resources inquiring for the truth, only to have these truths incarcerated in a book that 90% of the population (of RSA) will never read. To spend time reporting it but never applying all the information gathered. We call shenanigans. There is a distraction game going on and it's bigger than isihluthu saMbuyiseni Ndlozi. Look at how political movements are formed and yet, 23 years down the line, the mines and banks are still run by foreign powers? Look at how they killed Hani and Lubowski yet still keep Armscor alive?
These commissions found Bantu Biko's killers and let them go. Not even a trial by media that South African media are so masterful at. So what is the point of spending weeks in courts exposing the truths of the nation when no one, not the most powerful or the weakest here, will apply it?
Here is a scary fact, no one has used the words "state capture" in South African TV before 2016. It was a ruse term sent to distract the public from a rising media group that was exposing what is now popularly known as White Monopoly Capital. It is clear from the history of South Africa that White males have controlled the economy for as long as we can remember. The best that Black males (dont even get me started on patriarchy) could do was get some White male backing and pretend that they run a Black Economic Empowerment company. But power is rarely in the front page. True power tells the the front page what to say.
In these times, South Africans are reeling and witch-hunting after 3 words were injected into their psyches. 1. State 2.Capture. 2. Guptas.
Instead of looking at the agenda from a historical and even political perspective, we have had a trial-by-press that even Oscar Pistorius didnt receive. And he actually shot someone. To any honest learned person, it is clear that the character assassination of the Gupta family is just business. It has little to do with protecting the values of the South African Constitution. South Africa does not protect its Constitution unless told to do so by private parties. Our President Elect, J. Zuma has had a tough time purely because he has been playing them at their own game. Corruption is not a genetically tailored virus that only infects the ANC. Was the board of directors at KPMG Black, or even ANC? Are ABSA Bank and Rand Merchant Bank Black owned? No. But look back into the archives of this blog and you will see Armscor leaks as well as leaks about Durban, which show how corruption is across all racial lines. Corruption is systematic. And the commisions we keep creating will not solve it because they lack teeth. Is it not interesting that Johan Rupert's competition has been all but excised from business practise? Yet he has the audacity to come out and say land expropriation is theft.
No one in parliament cried for jobs lost from the Gupta witch hunt. Yet job creation, fighting poverty and unemployment is an PR cornerstone for all political parties. No teeth. All talk.
While we fight about White people vs Black people, we are still being exploited by a building called the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. While the SACP slanders the ANC slanders the EFF slanders the DA slanders the UDM, we are being duped by Unilever, Goldman Sachs, British Petroleum...( etc. and so etc.) to give away our wealth, health and security.
The news is a tool for social control. Even stats about Hurricane Maria and Irma were exaggerated while we the Writer were comparing live weather data with the news on TV. We watched them lie about the weather. So how much truth is the economic and political news bulletins? But people are not investigating the news. They are not critisizing. And while you can be told what the truth is by someone else, you are not your own person.
To conclude:
South Africa is run from outside.
Agents from outside keep you distracted so they can keep looting.
South Africa runs great commisions of inquiry that do nothing of value, ultimately.
The media is a tool for capitalism.
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