Sphere and Carp - Improvements in 3D Worldbuilding

It's been a while of learning and exploring the joys of building Mandelbulb fractal worlds, and WE have been making a few experiments. Someone had assembled a still 3D image of a truncated sphere on a carpet. We too kit further and traveled the carpet just to see how far it stretched. Quite an interesting world.

This file below is a 32MB GIF of the sphere and carpet, but we soon aim to render all of these to hi-res images and then assemble them via GIMP or something similar. After camera Direction and light-rigging, this GIF took another 2 hours just to render.  Hope you appreciate the optical illusionary world of Sphere and Carp.

 There is another fractal that we had made for the Circuit City gig in Grahamstown, but it will be a larger 3D exploration of the thing.That fractal is currently rendering into GIF as we write this. It will take another 4 hours. Watch this space. 


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