The Pub, revealed

The underground part of the G.O.D.

The myth is written. The prophecy has been fulfilled and we are firmly on the path to making it a global success.

Works that have been the center of my ethic and attention are finally complete.The working title started off as The Pub. It was located in a mythical place somewhere in Kwazulu. After almost 4 years of writing and losing and finding and rewriting from remnants and memories, we have a complete product. And it is no longer called The Pub.

There is an edit or two that I spotted, now that I have a proof before me, but that's what proofs are for, though. I won't say too much, for there have been previews on this blog before. but now we have a book. And it can be read by all. Here is the working book cover for now.

 We hope to pull of a nationwide tour of to raise funds for a perfect bound edition of Mashu oMusha. Do keep your eyes on this blog to find out what's going on.  Do buy the book when it comes out. How often do you run into South Afrikan township Science Fiction, anyway?


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