The Front looks back on 2016

What a year, people of the Cosmos. What a bloody year it has been. we remember lots of hashtags about #falling. I think every thing fell to the hashtag. #ZumaMustFall, #FeesMustFall #OutsourcingMustFall, #RhodesMustFall, #ColonizationMustFall, #AnythingYouDon'tLikeMustFall.

People were kidnapped, raped, beaten at universities. Shot in the face, tazed, hazed. It was riot porn and man was it overt! White people could beat on people at a Rugby field and all but get away with it. There was racism, factionalism, decentralized resistance movements. There was graffiti in our universities telling people to "take back our land." "Decolonize the curriculum" and all that mess. This year, quite a few times, looked like 1976.

It hasn't made a difference, really, that a Black man is in the Democratic Republic Puppet Seat aka The Presidency. It hasn't made one iota of difference to Capitalism intentions (yes, most of them White) that a Zulu is now the President. They machine of Capital keeps trudging on, the Chamber of Mines still does it's dirty deeds on our soil. The Goldman Sachs of the world walk in and out of here with our wealth daily. While the Europeans have no shame in stealing our wind. Yes, this year, I have seen millions of USD move through a small town in the Eastern Cape. And so little of it touched South African hands. Things have been deep this year. And yet, somewhere in Durban, a man dreams of the future where hope drowned. Cautionary tales for a year that needed caution.
There's been lots of Deep Webbing. Been looking into why exactly the FBI has time to shut down free media websites and engines, while Child Porn is so easily available. I have been wondering exactly why the Western Intelligence Organisations ignore the many dire human rights issues, when they have the resources to cull them. And I found answers. there is profit in child trafficking, in slavery, abuse, degradation, racism and division. It is fascinatingly easy to find a way to destroy your life. Yet, it costs you hundreds of thousands of Rands to get a decent education. It will be debt and destruction, all the way through 2016 and beyond, for people who thought that education = freedom. Somebody lied. And yet they ask for Blade Nzimande to do something. When has it ever been the government that does something. When they are stooges to White Capital and European debt crises. When we ship our steel out and buy guns in return. We're not planning on nurturing anyone with guns.

My head is busy, but it's pretty clear. It's been a hectic year.
Johan Rupert et al have been hounded by Black First Land First. Hounded pretty damn seriously.  And you can follow the story to as far back as Mr Mngxitama's days in the EFF. Right now, though, Black Opinion is the media pressure that's pressing onward against the real state capture, so follow the narrative over there.
As for me and my house. we shall worship new perspectives. alternatives to the racialism and division of these Marxists, Capitalists and Trotskyists. We have truly had enough of this tumultuous year and we still have ONE WHOLE MONTH to go!
Then there was the whole Gupta story. Big media jol that was.

Lest we forget Bambanani Social Justice, who have been with us on our journey. As a Social Justice coalition, the Workers, Lawyers, Advocates and students who are of the organisation are very, very gifted and sincere. Through Palesa, we have been sharing much information on the state of our nation and the rights of all of us. the story of Bongile Mbangane is one such story, while there are many other projects throughout the country helping people access justice. Respect All Customary Law Marriages is one such other project which is most active in Cape Town.

What else has tickled our interest and disgust this year? No, fuck the US election. Ngempela. The only matter of interest was finding a few leaks of Hillary Clinton's emails and what she came to do here in South Africa. Other than that, the intelligence and stupidity of the American voting public is not really something I wanna spend time on. All of the click-bait during the build-up to the elections. It wasn’t this bad for our elections. Silly isn’t it, how we click more on foreign affairs than local ones. It’s no wonder that government officials can get away with crime right under our noses.In that regard, Shaheed gave us a great piece of work to share on exactly why the current parliament should be disbanded.  Which I felt was a great way to end the year. It is a piece that excited the Anarchism of Ubuntu inside and outside of me. It got me thinking that if we get the Workers to run the country, soon anyone will be able to govern themselves. Ultimately, we can get the Stateless state if we start with the Workers. I think that's an argument we should chase in the chat channel sometime. Yo, I've made it clear that I'm not big on European ideologies taking the place of African ones. Somehow, I feel that we have had these systems way before the Germans, dutch and English brought them here. We just chose to live the way we did. And yet, the pathology is, to be self governing is to be a traitor to the State. Oh what a tangled web we weave.

But we will achieve some reprieve. Umzabalazo cannot continue forever. I am not one of those aluta continua  people. The battles must end, some time. And we must build our autonomous zones free of these external manipulants.

Have a great year, people of the Cosmos. South Africa, I'm watching you.

 Your agent, always                                                                                  Live from the Bureau of Sabotage


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