A Religious Join-The-Dots Game (for the mages)

"Verily, very first of all Chaos came into being, but then Gaia wide-bosomed, secure foundation of all forever, and dark Tartarus in the depth of the broad land and Eros, the most beautiful of all the immortal gods, who loosens the limbs and overcomes judgment and sagacious counsel in the breast of gods and all humans. From Chaos, Erebus [the gloom of Tartarus] and black Night came into being; but from Night were born Aether [the upper atmosphere] and Day, whom Night bore when she became pregnant after mingling in love with Erebus."

"Draconian magic is unequivocally a school of the Left-Hand 
Path. That is to say it is a school which teaches the 
immortalisation and deification of the individual psyche, as 
opposed to the Right-Hand Path which seeks to submerge that 
psyche within a sense of universal oneness. Draconian magic 
is in its very essence terrifying, alienating and antinomian, but 
- for the successful few - it is ultimately liberating, 
illuminating and joyous. It is definitely not for the faint- 
hearted or dilettante. Casual experimentation will prove 
worthless, as the act of tearing oneself from the womb of the 
cosmos is an exercise of Will and heroism, qualities gained 
only through intense struggle."
"Apophis was the deity of darkness, the enemy of the sun itself, and the ruler of the underworld. He was the gigantic serpent that attempted to overcome the solar barque as it made nightly passage through the underworld to the horizon. He was first mentioned in the twenty-first century BC, and he was the fiery serpent-demon of darkness, storms, and earthquakes. Some texts equate Apophis with Seth, the deity of chaos; however, in other texts, Seth helps slay the serpent.
The terrible serpent Apophis had many names, and in order to destroy him, one had to curse him with every name he was known, which included the following: 
  • Am
  • Aman
  • Amen
  • Beteshu
  • Hau-hra
  • Hemhemti
  • Hem-taiu
  • Iubani
  • Karau-anememti
  • Kenememti
  • Khak-ru
  • Khermuti
  • Khesef-hra
  • Nai
  • Nesht
  • Qerneru
  • Qettu
  • Saatet-ta
  • Sau
  • Sebv-ent-seba
  • Sekhem-hra  "
  • Serem-taui
  • Sheta
  • Tetu
  • Turrupa
  • Uai
One of the many names attributed to Jesus in the Bible is “The Amen” (faithful and true witness), in Revelation 3:14. 


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