Tunes to live by

So. it's been a while since we've had a musical interlude on the Front. Wanna hear what keeps me up till 6 AM? These are them tunes. Live ones and studio cuts too. Somehow,each of these songs are from very disparate parts of my history. Wear your good headphones or ram it on your big sound system. No (direct) politics. Just tunes.

If you've ever heard the term "Baggawire" or "Bag O Wire" in Reggae, this story points to the origins of the term, which means traitor. For more info and discussion:
Onto the next one...

This next one is a trip. We've hosted Ayahuasca music on Chaotic Front Radio (currently down) before. But this is Nguni stuff, no Peruvian. Shisa impepho la ukhona uyizwe. For those who love Jazz, World Music (terrible name) and just pure deep rooted Folk from Afrika.

From the mother of creation, we move West to the country that claims to have invented Jazz. With songs like this, no wonder they're so proud.

But we and our ears prefer something a little moodier.

Ok, stepping it up a little. Let me play you something my father used to play when I was 5-ish.

 Same era. Also some stuff from the daddy genes.

Now, before I cry from the memories, I have some more tunes for you. Just a few more.

This guy! This guy. Listen. Maybe twice.

Once was given a bottle of rum to accompany on my first Cape Town trip in 2010. And this following song speaks volumes.

And if you thought that was hyper, time to say goodbye with some Jungle music. So hard, this song. But how melodic is that bass. Listen.

We're gonna go out with some psychological, sociopathological stuff. Love this album, even though I don't listen to much modern Hip. Twisted and fun.


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