The Primitive Accumulation Game

"Primitive accumulation is the process by which precapitalist modes of production, such as feudalism and chattel slavery, are transformed into the capitalist mode of production. Marx was not the first to consider the way in which feudal production was transformed into capitalism."

Remember: Capitalism is the highest stage of Imperialism

We hear it from amakhehla nogogo bethu (our old men and grandmothers). They tell us that back in their homesteads, they didn't really need money. That's because they were in charge of the means of production. Before the European landed on our shores, the means of production were firmly in our hands.

As Marx once noted, the capital system came from the old systems such as feudalism, and were transformed into capitalist models. There was bloodshed, over and covert. There was extortion, bribery and treason, just to disenfranchise people who owned resources.

The elites of our times, have been seeking more and more control. As Frank Herbert once put it, "The more control, the more one desires control. Such is the road to chaos"

The means of societal control used to be a bit simpler. There was religion, to control the minds. there was monarchy to control the resources. But it's funny, people still felt kind of free. Considering that the kings of old actually let people manage their land and fuel resources. Until Capitalism started popping up. The idea of Capitalism isn't so bad. But theory and reality are often quite different.

The Irish suffered under England for so long, but the worst of the crimes were crimes of economics. The plundering of resources for one peoples at the expense of others. Europe has been inflicting the banes of Capitalism on its self before they decided to spread it to the Americas and Africa.

A small part of me wishes the Mongolians had wiped out Western Europe good and proper before they made this world worse.

Because now, we have to deal with the criminals of the European diaspora. The Christopher Columbus's of this world were not the nicest of men. And reading accurate history will show that many of these sailors were pirates, criminals and rogue anarchists seeking escape from the growth of Capitalism and monarchic control (amongst other reasons).

I have no clue as to why people act like America is so hot when they have 400 years of entrenched slavery. When they create places like Guantanamo Bay. When they have the audacity o bomb fellow human beings at a moments notice without hesitation. I have no respect for Black Catholics, When people should know that Rome is the throne of depravity, theft, lies, and any sin you can think of. Anyone here heard of The Spanish Inquisition? Well next time you Roman Catholic readers make a cross over your forehead and chest, remember that that's the sign Spaniards used to torture each other and outsiders.  Then there is the capitalist scramble for Africa, which history will not forget. The Belgians, the French, the British, The Dutch and a myriad others, all have an albatross on their neck. They can never take it off. No amount of repatriation will wipe away the scars they have inflicted on the globe. On the other hand, a growth in universal Responsibility and consciousness will help heal this world from evil.

Religion and Politics are systems of control. And if we really want to be free of them, we have to do a hell of lot of growing up. A hell of a lot of changing. Destruction will have to occur. For creation to occur. We must be smart and creative. Remember that every innovator in history suffered seriously before his/her/whatever ideas were accepted.

The powers that be  are hiding behind your bank logo, in plain sight. They are hiding in your churches. You will notice that in Freemasonry imagery, there is a lot of Solomonic Magick symbology there. These people are never just "religious." They are magickians. They are practitioners of will.  Remember, dear reader, that our environments are not the just the built ones(physical). There is an architecture to what ideas do. There is an architecture, a form to the function of mind. Therefore we must eb vigilant. We must be informed and inform our selves. We must learn and study way beyond our station. There is always a greater crisis coming, and we must be ready for the next one.

Watch whose agenda you are serving. Watch out for what you purport and support.

Too many wars, you know. Too many fronts. We cannot and should not fight forever.  We are the engineers of the new world. To do that. we have to destroy the structures of exploitation. Exploitative banking and banking systems must go.  Exclusive systems of Law must be annihilated. The right to live well must over-arch all our doings over property or capital rights. The Land must be respected over governments. These systems of control are not for our better good. We must act or we will continue to serve other people's agenda. And that's not living. That's just another kind of slavery

We are The Bureau of Sabotage.  


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