The Fees have not Fallen Yet - A message from Stand Up!
Support #FeesMustFall Movement - South Africa
Much has been said and written about the #FMF movement in South Africa. For Stand UP! it was and remains a movement whose ideals and aims we resonate with deeply because the real apart-heid is economic elitism. The challenges are many, including attempts to divide and destabilize the tsunami of unified action and consistent activities. We are determined to live and support the movement, in particular the Commons Student Initiative [CSI] launched at a vibrant University of KZN.
A. We are active on the ground and online and need an office base for:
1. Knowing rights & roles— common, constitutional, civil, criminal law
2. Co-creating strategy— meaningful, effective, creative and bold tactics
3. Mobilising awareness—on the ground and online daily via different mediums
4. Drafting/reviewing key documents—statements, memorandums, court documents
5. Launch legal support committee—Saturday 7 November 2015 [meet every 2 weeks]
B. We are receiving pleas for funding from students who cannot afford to pay fees and should not take on more debt from finance cartels including the banks. If you and/or your organization are able to support them in any way [funds, resources, goods], please call us or send us an email so that we can connect you with the students to meet at our upcoming events.
C. Given the impact of the stories, posters, photos and videos of the #FMF movement, we are working on a photo-story book and a video documentary that we will publish and share locally and globally to generate funds, resources, and goods for #SocialJustice work in SA over the next 3 years. Share content: / YouTube: Stand UP TV
We need you to help us achieve local and global crowdfunding, OR
Will you volunteer skills and time? What about things like website –email hosting?
Connect with us via:
Facebook: Commons Student Initiative - #ukznFeesMustFall movement
Facebook: Stand UP Foundation page or Amandla News page
Website: Twitter: @ShabnamPalesaMo
Mobile: 082 561 0700 / 084 672 3093
CSI October public/media release:
Nompilo’s Poem:
Nompilo’s Story:
Stand UP! on Lotus fm radio:
Independent #FMF video:
#FeesMustFall #CSI #UKZN #Solidarity #CrowdSource #InequalityMustFall SHARE
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