Who reads the Chaotic Front, anyway?
So I've been studying the internet for decades now, and some things you just get an instinct for. For example, I find it informative to note that the interest in the Chaotic Front, as I've seen from the intelligence I've gathered, has shifted from mostly United States of America readers to Russian readers.
Anyone still remember the USSR?
So I wonder, with the growth of RT, which is a Russian television network, have the viewers been contributing more and more towards Anarchic points of view? Have they been tending towards more decentralized systems and more autonomous, accountable ways of interacting with their environment? For that is the reader we hope to invite and ignite. That is the reader we hope to awaken and create. There is an important change happening in the consciousness of the globe. People want to produce better. They don't want to waste their money on taxes, corruption and kleptocracy, They want cheaper, healthier vegetables, accountable banks and safer neighbourhoods. No more getting beaten up on your way home just cause you have dreadlocks or your skin is brown. These are not criminalizing factors. The world is reeling at the deaths of Black people and also the deaths of many others who are not spoken of as much as the Black. The situation in Guinea is terrible. The situation in Lesotho, with coups and military factionalism is not good. Writer getting locked up in a book club in Angola is no good.
So what do we do? We reach for the channels that fulfill our ethic. The ones that can grow and inform our ethic.
That is why this space was created. To accommodate and support accountability. To fight bad governance. To fight bad policy. To speak about quality of life. To nurture the intent for dissent against inadequate systems. To spark the magic in all of us.
Remember, the internet is a community enabled by machines. There are tons of web crawlers and other software made to spy on us and mine data. You are what you do. Your habits are being recorded. So with what I have seen, I would strongly advise all to be wise in their dealings. Do good, as the Rastafarians say: Be upfull.
May the gods bless you. May you bless your self.
We are The Bureau of Sabotage.
Anyone still remember the USSR?
So I wonder, with the growth of RT, which is a Russian television network, have the viewers been contributing more and more towards Anarchic points of view? Have they been tending towards more decentralized systems and more autonomous, accountable ways of interacting with their environment? For that is the reader we hope to invite and ignite. That is the reader we hope to awaken and create. There is an important change happening in the consciousness of the globe. People want to produce better. They don't want to waste their money on taxes, corruption and kleptocracy, They want cheaper, healthier vegetables, accountable banks and safer neighbourhoods. No more getting beaten up on your way home just cause you have dreadlocks or your skin is brown. These are not criminalizing factors. The world is reeling at the deaths of Black people and also the deaths of many others who are not spoken of as much as the Black. The situation in Guinea is terrible. The situation in Lesotho, with coups and military factionalism is not good. Writer getting locked up in a book club in Angola is no good.
So what do we do? We reach for the channels that fulfill our ethic. The ones that can grow and inform our ethic.
That is why this space was created. To accommodate and support accountability. To fight bad governance. To fight bad policy. To speak about quality of life. To nurture the intent for dissent against inadequate systems. To spark the magic in all of us.
Remember, the internet is a community enabled by machines. There are tons of web crawlers and other software made to spy on us and mine data. You are what you do. Your habits are being recorded. So with what I have seen, I would strongly advise all to be wise in their dealings. Do good, as the Rastafarians say: Be upfull.
May the gods bless you. May you bless your self.
We are The Bureau of Sabotage.
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