Nowadays, in Mphutlane's words

    • There is currently a beautiful thread running on Mphutlane Bofelo's Facebook. I just thought I would share it, as it speaks to a very formative and active time in the Arts scene of Durban. Poetry, Literature, Education and Edutainment. More and moreand more. What a place. Nowadays Poets/Izimbongi Zesimanje was a great time. Take a look at how Mphutlane put it. 

    • Every one else has been having their say, as well, of course. Wonderful things.

The first thing i did when I became a resident of Durban in 2003 was to go straight to the poetry session of Izimbongi Zesimanje/Nowadays Poets and I was welcmed with warm and loving embraces by the brothers and sisters in the word. In the session they announced that that week there will be Slam Poetry Contest and this newcomer registered to participate. The Slam Poetry Contest, which featured ten participants ultimately ended with the vibrant Ntokozo Kid Kunene of the then Black Fist of Garvey clobberingMphutlane Bofelo after they were the last men standing. And the rest is history. With this post i express my love and respect and care , and salutations to these wonderful souls poetic that welcomed me to the Kwazulu scene, my brothers and sisters in the word Phila Myeni, Menzi MasekoBandile GumbiMthobisi MqadiCoolfire HadebeKhaya Maseko,Iain EWOK Robinson. The word and love is the bond that keep us going. Longlive the Nowadays Poets - IzimbongiZesimanje , Longlive Slam Poetry Operations Team, and longlive the sons and daughters; Longlive Poet in a Suit and all circles and platforms of the ETERNAL LIVING WORD that breaks all barriers, barricades, blockades, and borders.
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