Habit forming creature, dance dance dance.
It has been a while since we have spoken on matters political.
It is true. Every thing that happens here at the Front is political. Even the Physics. One day I will expand and expound on that one.
It is also true that WAY TOO MUCH is said about and around Marijuana. The subjects is obese, pregnant with sextuplets and ready to explode. I am not here to speak directly about Marijuana. Ironic, how the police that chose to capture me were seriously desperate to find some on me.
I have dreads, sure. I listen to a hell of a lot of Reggae. But considering my extremely liberal (extremely so) pan-sexual, chaotic magickian and anarchic elements that are intrinsically me, I wouldn't be too quick to call me Rastafarian.
But I smoke that thing.
And like the Biblical Seven Day Creation, it is good.
Driven by an unquenchable nature of inquiry, perception and academic study, I'd say I have way too many opinions on the subject of Habits. Not the monk's clothing, no. Habits: What we attend/pay attention to. What we do.
Habits are the company we keep, the music we listen to. The drinks we prefer, the type of partners we end up with. Habits are more than what one smokes. So I have been recently affronted by a deluge of police attention for some reason, and i don't know why. More often than not, they're looking for something I'm not carrying. My habits are mine.
If I am walking down the streets of South Africa, I will likely NOT be carrying things that will put me in Jail. One of the many, many, many faults of the South Arican police service is it's failure to gain intelligence. Our "beat cops," for lack of a better word, are pretty dim, brainwashed drones with guns. It's pretty easy to control a gun. it's another thing entirely to control the man holding that gun.
These people, and I have seen them in their plenty and way to close for comfort, are ineptitude incarnate, and are then given the power to enforce the law(?) Seriously, people. I have been walking, like many men before me, home. Broad daylight. And with no intelligence whatsoever, the police will choose to either, accost, assault and discomfort me all in the name of "doing their jobs."
I'm not buying it. I will tell you what intelligence I gained in 1 hour of being in a police holding office:- 3 Drug Dealer's names
- 6 police officer ranks
- 3 Names
- 3 Surnames
- 3 institutional sigils
- 1 self proclaimed god
And I was not really paying attention, just riding the wave. What do they know of my habits and attitudes anyway? What have they been? Where have they been? When things go wrong around us, the police are so rarely the thing we see first.
This song says all I'd rather not spend time typing to say.
Their habits are different from mine. This is how I differentiate them from my ilk and kin. The nature of the threat, in the Republic of South Africa, is that inept people are given the reigns of power. It almost seems like a habit, doesn't it. There is consistent failure to deliver because the state apparatus, in this example, Law Enforcement, is mostly run by fools with big guns. And this is not to say all police are foolish. There are lots of hard working people out there, doing great work to keep us secure. But there are hundreds of thousands of people that can pull a Marikana in your town, anytime, and get away with it. in this country. I'm just talking about this wonderful country of ours. You Americans, Europeans and Asians can have your injustices. When I walk down the street, I have to watch out for a cop car. inasmuch as I am aware that these things happen all over the world, it is the tragedy that it is happening in my Afrika, that bothers me most.How can the children of this soil be so absolutely ridiculous as to usurp a REPUBLIC and keep it one. In way did the Afrikans of the south choose the Afrikan option. That's what hurts.
And they're keeping at it. Which speaks to the nature the power politics at play here. When the servants of the State cannot even find adequate people to dispense and enforce law. Not yet uhuru, basically.
I say we watch our habits closely, and those of fools with too much power even closer. It's a dangerous world because of bad policy and bad choices. We are made of our decisions.
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