Diving off the Know ledge

Ladies, gentlemen, and all persons in between.

Since October 2011, The Chaotic Front (posing as The Extreme Reform Engine) has been a place for knowledge to flourish. Involved in Chaos studies, Knowledge Computation, Politics, Magick and the right for people to govern them selves, the work here is just beginning.

The sources of the material that populate The Chaotic Front are as variant as my interests, but all directed towards one end: to inform. Now and then, emotive, pseudo-intellectual ranting takes the stage, as abuse of civil liberties and basic human rights are always testing the will. Know, though, that the work of The Chaotic Front, and anything touched by the twelve fingered hands of this Writer is never ending. I am not the only anarchist living in this world. I have no special monopoly over knowledge and the ability to educate, receive and share knowledge with all beings.
I remind you always, that I am not smarter than any of you, and this work is only here as an expression of my insatiable will to help other to know.

Reading, sharing, performance and creativity are tools. As words are just arrows pointing to meaning, so is The Chaotic Front an arrow, pointing many directions. All of them born from the center.
Nietzsche called man a bridge to the superman. This space is such a bridge. If any impact can be made by the work herein, let it be done.

I, Writer, is grateful that 900 eyes visit every month.
That, from October 2011, we've moved from 0 hits to over 5400. I do not seek the fame and hits of Virgin or MTV. The lives I touches will always be enough. I am grateful that Writers, Readers and curious eyes peruse through the pictures, texts and tools of this Front, which is Chaotic.  Remember, it is only a front. The true face of this work lies in the work produced. This will always remain a secret to the uninitiated. for the true work never happens in front of a screen, with a mouse and a click. The true work lies within.

This is the last post from I, for 2013, unless some issue arises that will not let my writing finger rest.

Thank you all for your support. Share the word of The Chaotic Front, through printouts, word of mouth and direct action.

The Bureau of Sabotage is us.


"What Is the Bureau of Sabotage," some may ask.

Sometime in the far future, government becomes terrifyingly efficient. Red tape no longer exists: laws are conceived of, passed, funded, and executed within hours, rather than months. The bureaucratic machinery becomes a juggernaut, rolling over human concerns and welfare with terrible speed, jerking the universe of sentients one way, then another, threatening to destroy everything in a fit of spastic reactions. In short, the speed of government goes beyond sentient control (in this fictional universe, many alien species co-exist, with a common definition of sentience marking their status as equals).

Founded by the mysterious "Five Ears" of unknown species, BuSab began as a terrorist organization whose sole purpose was to frustrate the workings of government in order to give sentients a chance to reflect upon changes and deal with them. Having saved sentiency from its government, BuSab was officially recognized as a necessary check on the power of government. It provides a natural (and lucrative) outlet for society's regular crop of troublemakers, who must be countered by society's regular crop of "do-gooders".

First a corps, then a bureau, BuSab gained legally recognized powers to interfere in the workings of any world, of any species, of any government or corporation, answerable only to themselves. Their motto is, "In Lieu of Red Tape."
Forbidden from committing acts of sabotage against private citizens, BuSab acts as a monitor of, and a conscience for, the collective sentiency, watching for signs of anti-sentient behaviour by corporate or government entities and preserving the dignity of individuals. Some essential functions of government are immune from BuSab by statute. BuSab is opposed by such organizations as the "Tax Watchers" who have successfully lobbied to grant themselves the same immunity from BuSab enjoyed by agencies such as public utilities.
BuSab monitors even itself and employs sabotage to prevent the agency from slipping into hidebound stasis. Agents are promoted to the head of the organization by successfully sabotaging the Secretary. By the same token, there is no term limit imposed on the Secretary of the Bureau of Sabotage. As long as he is alert enough to avoid being sabotaged, he remains qualified to lead BuSab.


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