Women Inc.
All of the times I’ve had sex I didn’t want to have, not because the
other person forced me into it but because it was a narrative I had become used
to playing out.
I thought that I was only hurting myself, but now I see that I was
hurting others too, that the wrong lies not only in forcefulness but,
sometimes, in withholding an answer. The bad habits it has taught me take me to
the edge of an unthinkable precipice." Anon.
Amazon is an anti-civilization trans insurgent associated with the Gender Anarky collective within the California prison system. Gender Anarky has uncompromisingly attacked transphobic violence within the prison system, calling for widespread attacks on the institutions that maintain gender and the whole of civilization.
Gender Anarky has
uncompromisingly attacked transphobic
violence within the prison system, calling for widespread attacks on the
institutions that maintain gender and the whole of civilization.
CeCe McDonald
was arrested in 2011 after a fight that left dead Dean Schmitz, a white
homophobic piece of filth. In June of 2012, CeCe plead guilty to 2nd degree murder, and will likely
spend about 21 months in prison for defending herself from a racist,
transphobic attack.
Connor Stevens
is one of the Cleveland 4,four Occupy Cleveland activists entrapped by
the FBI and accused of plotting a series of bombings.
Connor plead guilty and was sentenced to 8 years, 1 month and will face
lifetime supervision when released.
In November of 2012, Niara was sentenced to 25-50 years in prison after
she plead guilty to robbing and killing a john of hers and setting his motel
room on fire. Niara, who also goes by
Peaches, has asked her supporters for letters after she was recently put
in the solitary for getting into a fight with
a transphobic man who was giving her shit on the inside. She doesn’t
know how long she’ll be stuck in solitary, so write her a letter and let her
know that she has people supporting her!
is currently serving an 11 year sentence after she, along with 6 other
Black lesbian women, physically defended themselves from a man who, while
making sexist and homophobic comments, harassed, threatened, and assaulted
them. Three of the women took plea bargains, and
Patreese is the only of the
New Jersey 4 still imprisoned for self-defense against sexist, homophobicviolence.
The conversations we don't have are too important to keep away from. Wu must speak. We must not hide from the face of our dark sides. We have too many women and men that are produced by the system of gender abuse and intollerance. We must not let women who defend themselves from monsters be treated like monsters. and we must work hardeer to avoid producing and manufacturing monsters through how we teach boys to become "men,' whatever being a man is. The dynamics between Men and Women, not even to mention transgendered people, is sick, broken and sickening. It produces pathologies so that someone else capitalizes. The Medical System of the world: psychology, pharmacology, prison etc are all kept strong by pathological people. These institutions would lose clout if healthier, more stable people were produced. Even if we have instability (for it is natural too) we need to have communities that are sympathetic to these people and maximize their utility. Schizophrenics have a use. Epileptics have a use. There is a place for people of all kinds of abilities. And we must fashion communities that are aware of this. Produce less pathologies and inculcate creatively those that need sympathy and care. Imprisoning and terminally medicating is not the way.
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