Anarchy. Yes. Anarchy.

For those not in the know, this blog is run by an Anarchist.

I lives as if another world is possible, that love and human goodness need to be nurtured and protected.
I lives with an acceptance for vigilante justice. I lives outside and inside the law of the land at I's discretion. I chooses my prison and I chooses where to be free.
I believe in anti-consumerism and the destruction of kleptocratic rule.

I does not believe Democracy works.
I does not vote and I does not promote apathy in the minds and hearts of the living.

Things I loves outnumber the things I hates. I does not use banks often and when I does, I's records are always fucked up cause I goes off the grid so often. I prefers and mostly employs pedestrianism. I walks the places I is in. I does not think about I's carbon footprint. My movements are motivated by the preservation of life. Therefore, I don't pollute. For every name given to the evil powerful of this world; Masons, 1 Percent, Babylon, Thieves, Presidents, Generals, Kings, I loathe them all for their part in making a world where poverty still kills, people still starve and murders of thousands are ignored by the minute, hour and day. Their systems rot, another world is goddamn possible!
I gwaan sabotage them.


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