I Don't Need Clothes.

It is actually pretty scary how many people who call them selves Writers don’t read. I mean, even a book, or a few short stories.  Or a series of poems. Nothing. How is that? For the last few weeks, I’ve been hearing a repeated axiom: Never accept clothes from a naked person.
Too many of my fellow writers are naked, and are trying to clothe me. It’s silly. I have heard so many poems this week that lack capacity. And they want applause but can’t handle critique.
Do we, the reading Writers, not know bad when we hear it? Are people so deluded as to not give them selves enough material so that they can produce their own? How is one meant to shape an ethic, a style, an identity if they never learn from history? And you’ll find that these same people who are Poets and know it, don’t even have one classical Writer that they can quote word for word. No, it’s not that they have bad memories or something. People can remember 50 pop songs and can’t even give you a quote from a book. Ethics are directly proportional to information.
We are dooming our selves if we expect to train a generation of thinking, creative people without giving them the joy and pain of reading.

And then there is the horrific spelling. I, used to be quite the grammar Nazi. But I know when someone is dyslexic or just plain lazy. There’s a difference. I won’t insist on correcting someone if I can tell it’s not purposeful. But there is a limit, you know. Some people personally abuse their language faculties, and stunt growth. One never stops learning. And a reading Writer is a better learner. Does one not use a tool better if one practices? Practice means that one is more efficient and better at doing whatever they do. In the Writing sphere, it means learning from the best. We don’t all like the same Writers. We have differing tastes. But one will not learn about the human condition by reading pop music lyrics. And one will not improve if they never stretch their own faculties and capacity.

It’s an aesthetic thing, of course. But consider this: if one claims to be a long distance runner, and never watches running or push their own endurance further than usual, one will not win. Because those that truly run, run further than expected. So one is supposed to read something else other than Facebook updates or HELLO Magazine.  One is meant to be able to articulate themselves, especially if they expect attention. And we, who read and Write, will not pay attention to anything that cannot give us value. How can we walk with crawling babies when we are bipedal men and women? How are we to accept clothes from the delusional naked? How are we to eat off an empty plate with drawings of food on it?

I have seen too many so called Writers who do not read. It is a cruel thing.  A Writer, more than many other craftsmen, is meant to live with an awareness of the history behind them. Our literature is the universe within which we expand and grow. But too many of my peers (and them youth) are killing my zeal to share. I’d rather dip into a book.

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  1. and i always try to start em off on DUNE...


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