Where I'm from
I'm from the land where you began
I'm from the land where you will end
Together we share the human bond that lies
beneath the skin
The bond of hatred and tragedy
Nontheatrical and abrupt
The kind that makes for tele news and puts
the electric fences up
I'm from the land where you began
the land of
dreams as fragile as seeds
From a land where mountains flow and rivers
tower over us all, begging us to climb them
I'm from the land of the inverted
exclamation mark that describes all self
the land of inverted ironies where truth is
written by liars
and practised by fools
I'm from the land where you end
The land of falling promises
the land where salvation swan dives from
the highest top
this is the land of all endings
and I'm from the deepest part of end
the deepest part of horror where I tend the
bodies of broken
I'm from where you start
I'm from where you end
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