A short description on Chaos, by H.G. Wells
by Hiram Gordon Wells
Chaos is the field that underlies all things which exist. In the beginning there was Chaos. Before the big bang all order was bound into the monoblock, a point smaller than an electron. All else was Chaos. After the big bang the various dimensions of order were spontaneously created by the inherent symmetry of the original matrix. These dimensions continue to expand through the continuum, but still the underlying Chaos remains active and potent. The nature of the Chaos field is dimly understood. Is it the complete absence of order, or does it correspond to an order not comprehended by Man? Fundamentally it is the uncoordinated source of creation. From Chaos does creation rise, to be formed by other forces. The Greeks called this the Cornucopia; a twisted tube within which is nothingness, but from the mouth of which spews all manner of things. This is interestingly similar to modern theories concerning black holes. Physicists, such as Stephen Hawking, postulate that the structure of black holes may be that of a twisted tube, (called a "wormhole"), within which is a chaos without any predictable physical laws, (called a "singularity"). Further it is stated that these wormholes may have a terminus in another spatial/ temporal/dimensional location, (called a "white hole"). It is a matter of form passing through chaos becoming form again in another aspect. Here is a quality of the Chao s field, that it serves to reprocess matter/energy, breaking them down into components so that it may be reused in the various dimensional matrixes. In these matrixes, our universe for instance, the energy matrixes that form planets, stars, bodies, minds, etc, cannot be entirely broken apart, they retain some similarity. For example, the energy matrix of a body, upon deactivation of the governing principle, goes on to combine with similar matrixes. The corpse feeds the tree and the worm. It reshapes the consumed matrix into similar organic constructions. If this combining is delayed, say by isolation within volcanic rock, than the matrix will combine with the less energetic rock, the process of fossilization. With sentient creatures there are actually two matrixes working in combination, the physical matrix and the mental matrix. What has been said about physical matrixes generally applies to the mental, with this difference; that where the physical is usually recombined, except when the matrix is very weak or more energy is required to maintain equilibrium in t he Chaos field, the mental rarely recombines, (this is termed possession when it combines with an already functioning matrix and called reincarnation when it uses a latent matrix ), instead it usually enters the Chaos field, wherein various things may occur. A special set of circumstances applies to mental matrixes in Chaos. These may be generalized in three ways:
- It may be reprocessed; When this occurs the individual matrix is broken down completely. This is dissolution.
- It may be partially reprocessed; It sometimes happens that mental matrixes enter Chaos, but the primal will to exist is strong enough to prevent it from being completely reprocessed. in these cases the intellectual qualities do not survive, but the remainder retains some integrity. These are just machines of a sort, what Qabalahists refer to as Qliphoths, (shells).
- It may preserve its integrity; It may be that the individuals mental matrix is possessed of not only a strong will to exist, but also of a powerfully focused intellectual fixation. the individual matrix can preserve its discreetness if it can maintain clarity, a very difficult thing to do during conditions of discorporation. Managing this feat will raise another question, "what now?"
Feb. 1989 Hiram Gordon Wells
Upon reading this essay it occurred to me that some readers might take it as a justification for inactivity on this particular level. The old, "never mind what's happening now, things will be great in the afterlife, in heaven, on another planet, etc." This may be fine for the christian slave or whatnot, but it is hardly sufficient for those who are driven by that strange need to create, to attain. Only through progression through the multitude of evolutionary levels can one go beyond, and it is by ones actions here and now that this progression is made.H.G.W Copyright 1989 World Report Information Services
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