Strike Anywhere - A threat and promise
Let me make this clear. A violent, accurate and premeditated strike has to be made on the state capitalist machine. We must shatter this aberration of human existence. Some believe that state capitalism is a logical step in socio-economic evolution I (and the billions starving) do not.
I am not afraid to say this. Somebody has to. I hope that the bullets of this paper strike those who deserve to be struck.
The strike must be followed by thousands more strikes just like it. It must not be a single event that makes a bang then leaves a fading echo in the memory. We must strike and strike repeated, concentrated harm into the flesh of the machine. We must strike in every way. Do not think I am inflaming physical or military violence. Military violence is the last resort of the hopeless. We are not hopeless. Not yet.
The state-capitalist apparatus depends on our complacency, our waiting for the Live 8s and the 46664s to speak for us once every few years. It depends on our leniency. Our patience. Our ability to grin and bear it. Because when we do all this, we give the machine time. Time to dig it's roots in and get stronger.
Capitalism was and is to this day a planned, conscious process. It didn't just pop out of mid air. It has institutions which are extensions of it's will. It has academic thought behind it, strategic intellectual roots justifying every step it takes. The capitalist machine is sentient and never sleeps. It never never needs guns to enforce it's will until it is truly afraid. Ask the hundreds of people that died in Peru fighting water privatization. Ask the Ken Sarowiwas who died fighting big oil companies from the west. When the capitalist machine cowers, we will all feel it's fear, that's what they want us to know. Because like all sentient beings with a sense of self preservation, the machine want to survive, to continue
And that is why we must strike. Strike where it hurts. Deep into the bones of the machine. Planned, strategic, articulate harm must be our aim. Our intentions must be of steady hand.. We must not falter, become unfocused or weary. We must become similar but not like the machine. Disciplined. An almost military diligence. Our empathy is the difference between us and them. Them, the ligaments of the machine. Remember, dear reader, they are the them whose wills we seek to break. Not out of malice for them but out of a love for the spines breaking under the yoke of capitalism.
The capitalist mindset extends itself beyond the individual, beyond the business, beyond the small institution. The mindset stretches it's will beyond and becomes state capitalism. The biggest institution of all become the harbinger of success for the elite and suffering for millions.
ABut these millions are not voiceless. We will speak. We are the ones who say "Hey, there's something wrong here." And we do not stop there. Once the wrong has been identified, we move our hands and remedy the wrong.
We must be different to the dreamers. We must differ our selves from the orators who orate and then go home to snuggle up in their warm sub-urban home. We must act. We must say and then actualize the said. Because this is what we must be, we must strike. Sharp, concentrated harm at the heart of the state-capitalist machine. Whichever country you are in. Whichever country suffering the brunt of or suffering the threat of capitalism in all it's guises and disguises, I beg you. Think.
Plan. Be pensive. For you and all of us around the world like you, are not blind. To disobey your empathy would be to disobey your own humanity. There is a time for defiance. We are holding that time in our clenched fists. So think. Plan. For the strike. Strike anywhere as long as it hurts. For the strike will come. The day of the international revolt. The day of the violent, accurate, premeditated surgical strike at the cells of the state-capitalist machine.
I am not afraid to say this. Somebody has to. I hope that the bullets of this paper strike those who deserve to be struck.
The strike must be followed by thousands more strikes just like it. It must not be a single event that makes a bang then leaves a fading echo in the memory. We must strike and strike repeated, concentrated harm into the flesh of the machine. We must strike in every way. Do not think I am inflaming physical or military violence. Military violence is the last resort of the hopeless. We are not hopeless. Not yet.
The state-capitalist apparatus depends on our complacency, our waiting for the Live 8s and the 46664s to speak for us once every few years. It depends on our leniency. Our patience. Our ability to grin and bear it. Because when we do all this, we give the machine time. Time to dig it's roots in and get stronger.
Capitalism was and is to this day a planned, conscious process. It didn't just pop out of mid air. It has institutions which are extensions of it's will. It has academic thought behind it, strategic intellectual roots justifying every step it takes. The capitalist machine is sentient and never sleeps. It never never needs guns to enforce it's will until it is truly afraid. Ask the hundreds of people that died in Peru fighting water privatization. Ask the Ken Sarowiwas who died fighting big oil companies from the west. When the capitalist machine cowers, we will all feel it's fear, that's what they want us to know. Because like all sentient beings with a sense of self preservation, the machine want to survive, to continue
And that is why we must strike. Strike where it hurts. Deep into the bones of the machine. Planned, strategic, articulate harm must be our aim. Our intentions must be of steady hand.. We must not falter, become unfocused or weary. We must become similar but not like the machine. Disciplined. An almost military diligence. Our empathy is the difference between us and them. Them, the ligaments of the machine. Remember, dear reader, they are the them whose wills we seek to break. Not out of malice for them but out of a love for the spines breaking under the yoke of capitalism.
The capitalist mindset extends itself beyond the individual, beyond the business, beyond the small institution. The mindset stretches it's will beyond and becomes state capitalism. The biggest institution of all become the harbinger of success for the elite and suffering for millions.
ABut these millions are not voiceless. We will speak. We are the ones who say "Hey, there's something wrong here." And we do not stop there. Once the wrong has been identified, we move our hands and remedy the wrong.
We must be different to the dreamers. We must differ our selves from the orators who orate and then go home to snuggle up in their warm sub-urban home. We must act. We must say and then actualize the said. Because this is what we must be, we must strike. Sharp, concentrated harm at the heart of the state-capitalist machine. Whichever country you are in. Whichever country suffering the brunt of or suffering the threat of capitalism in all it's guises and disguises, I beg you. Think.
Plan. Be pensive. For you and all of us around the world like you, are not blind. To disobey your empathy would be to disobey your own humanity. There is a time for defiance. We are holding that time in our clenched fists. So think. Plan. For the strike. Strike anywhere as long as it hurts. For the strike will come. The day of the international revolt. The day of the violent, accurate, premeditated surgical strike at the cells of the state-capitalist machine.
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