Open Letter to Andile Mngxitama

Hi Andile

Considering that we have no history together besides passing each other at Tagore’s, I find my self quite surprised that I would write an open letter to you.

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, my older brother spoke quite highly of you during the height of the September National Imbizo. You also were a part of our conversations during the writing of the Economic Freedom Fighters manifesto. Secondly, I have recently read From A Place of Blackness. The third reason is because of your actions during this year.

Just so you may know a little about me, I work for the Chaotic Front. The only body I am would speak of being a member of. My work involves Politics, Information, Journalism and Magick. I do not vote. Anarchy is a unifying ethos for the work I do there. As you may know, Anarchy is about self-governance and reducing state influence on the lives of the people within a certain territory. Therefore, bureaucracies and party politics are no very welcome in such a system.

At some point, you and yours decided that you would form a political party and vie for votes and seats in the National parliament. The EFF was formed and, to me, it seemed a fusion of Marx, Lenin, Fanon, Bantu Biko and dissatisfaction. It seemed  that you were dissatisfied with the rate of progress in this country and in your movement(s). It also seemed that Julius Malema was dissatisfied with having no body and populous to lead. The ANC Youth League spoiled him, in this regard, and the media surrounding his ousting is voluminous and freely available for any researcher worth his/her salt. Your marriage of convenience/necessity surprised me. Of course, I didn't know you personally but considering what I had heard and read about you, you seemed far more suited to lead a group named “Economic freedom Fighters.” Anyway, my job is not to put people in positions of power.  My work is in critique, creation and bad policy sabotage.

“ Scratch a conservative and you find someone who prefers the past over any future. Scratch a liberal and find a closet aristocrat. It's true! Liberal governments always develop into aristocracies The bureaucracies betray the true intent of people who form such governments. Right from the first, the little people who formed the governments which promised to equalize the social burdens found themselves suddenly in the hands of bureaucratic aristocracies. Of  course, all bureaucracies follow this pattern, but what a hypocrisy to find this even under a communized banner.”  Frank Herbert

It was a (im)purely academic interest, at first, my interest in you. I wondered how someone of your aptitude and attitude  could align them selves with someone like J. Malema and his ilk. I reasoned that a well-read and critically thinking fellow like you knew what he was doing. You got more press time, after the formation of the EFF, that’s for sure. You were in the press, the TV and radio, so often, as well as the internet’s many channels of information.  Such app(e)arance helps any burgeoning movement. It was time for your policies to be seen and heard.  I watched, read and thought.

Having read From A Place of Blackness, it occurred to me that I found it easier to read a Bikoist than to talk to one. You guys are passionate, sometimes quite angry and loaded with vitriol. It’s alright, I've been known to spit venom and vitriolic invectives  too when truth, rights and justice are in danger. And aren’t they always…

But few things piss me off more than the game of Democracy and party politics. I’m a gamer and creator of myths. I know how games are constructed. You, Andile. You decided to jump in and play. Having seen 20+ years of South African corruption. Having seen Hani die. Having witnessed the indentured apathy on the masses. Knowing all you know about elite transition and state engineering, you jumped in. Into the the fray of this ineptocracy.  I don’t think it was a matter of “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” for you. Your sincerity shines through your words and works. You are not that simple.

In light of this, what made you that your whistle-blowing act would go down successfully? Every whistle-blower suffers more than the one they are reporting. Where will your selfless actions get you in a party surrounded by populist demagogues and yes-men. I have more to say about them, but this is not the time. It surely is the space, though.

I mostly work alone and prosper alone. When I decide to share, I work suffer and prosper with those I share with. But we aren't “fighters” with military ranks we've never earned. We just do.
You did a good thing that threatened the life of the party you joined/formed. So you will be treated as a virus, there, not as a hero.  Deeds such as yours splits narratives and brings issues the leaders fear to tread. Considering what happened to the Assanges, Mannings and Ngcukas of this world, what did you expect?
I really was hoping to ask you this over a drink, dude, but I hope that you will read this with as open a heart as you can muster at such a tough time. So maybe when not evading bureaucratic nonsense from your supposed fellow fighters, I hope we may finally gather for a drink, some intellect and Miles Davis’s Blue Moods on repeat.

Best Regards

The Anarchist of Dubious Honour


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