Abakaqedi -They're Not Done

Once more, the Durban Municipality, armed with rifles and police vans, have come to remove the locals from the only resource they have to gain money. I was at Warwick Junction today, going through the Muthi Market, one of the oldest and most revered places in the whole of the Warwick Triangle. Durban Market has been under threat for a few years, now. The Wikileaks information is here.

{ http://chaoticfront.blogspot.com/2014/03/wikileaks-about-durban.html }

Anyway, as I approached the Muthi Market from Berea Train Station side, I noticed that the place was too crowded. The Muthi Market has foot traffic, but not really crowds. As I got closer, I discovered that there was a big police van, packing away the hawker's things. The single van was almost full, but as one hawker said: "Abaqedile.  Baseza ngala." "They're not finished. They're still coming this side." I noticed some of the hawkers were packing away of their own volition, some were just watching and talking amongst them selves.

Look upon the stolen goods. Stolen in broad daylight by the servants and protectors of the public.

Is there a rational, sensible reason why a government (one that seeks the sustained living of it's culture, it's people and it's history) would destroy, threaten and alienate it's own natives? Who's M.O. are they following. Surely these acts are not motivated by the constitution, which is meant to protect the civil rights of all, from the richest to the poorest.
Let's talk about these poor. The people who come to Market in the early morning to sell their wares. They still have to rent the space because, as another lady told me :" Akuyona eyethu lendawo." "This is not our place." Who's place is it? Who's land is it anyway?

Oh, dear reader, we have much to do. The land has been so stripped from our possession that even Zulu speakers believe it to not be theirs. We need to reclaim the land through every means available. The EFF can continue their land requisition policy for all I care, because the ANC has failed at it. I, for one, will use every other means to make sure that the parties that seek to disown us of our land will pay.
Bad policy needs resistance and I will not relent. Look upon their works.

The blockade created by the po-lice and their truck.

The Chaotic Front is watching.

Remember this?

{ http://chaoticfront.blogspot.com/2013/10/market-durban-22-october-2013.html }

Sound familiar? That's because the government's operation will not cease either. The municipality will not stop until they have disowned every one, created thousands more poor people and driven this country into Capitalist policies of shopping malls and high-end debt. With the plus side of a few rich people along the way. Somebody pass the cognac.
Or better yet, hand these people machine guns and turn it into an all-out war.
The covert nature of this takeover is disturbing. Minimal media representation. I counted one camera taking pictures. Mine. I saw no press about this yesterday, and yes, Niren, I did tell you. What ever is more important than the livelihood of the citizens of Kwazulu Natal, I don't wanna hear about it. This is too important to silence. Therefore, spread the word, people. #MarketDbn and #innercitycleansweep are the buzzwords. Tell everyone to protect the weak and politically uneducated. Tell them to protect the locals who are not in a position to protect them selves. These hawkers are forced to pay rent or get muscled out. Tell me, dear reader, if you earned R20 a day, would you be willing to pay R200 a month rent for 2m cubicle? One that leaks and is unmaintained. One that has no electricity or water supply. one that has no storage or advertising. What would you do to protect your livelihood? This city is not here to serve the poor. It's time we got these people fired or worse.

And, just to digress...what would you do if they did this to your stall this morning?

Viva South Africa. Vi-fucking-va!


  1. This is relevant information and creative and socially responsible people should be responding to such atrocious behaviour with both anger and planned responses ...

  2. There are so many things wrong about this picture, Its easy to mistaken this government act as a random act of cleaning the streets (as it comes across from someone who hardly ever walk on the market side, who doesn't understand how these people depend on their meagre market income for a living), but the fact that it's done so stealthily with the majority of us at work, not aware of what is happening, is a sure sign that our government is still not as democratic as it claims to be. As the people in this state, we need to be alerted and even consulted to a certain degree of the government plans, we cant still be living in such a segregated state that one government act can impact so severely on the lives of a social group, whilst the rest of the people go by with their existence without even feeling the effect of the abuse suffered by our won. I guess i can agree with FAMREC when saying it resonates very much an apart-heid regime, a coherent state would not allow such a thing to happen to its people because the struggles of one would be the struggles of all. Thank you guys for keeping us informed.

  3. Hi,

    I have been following the eviction of Informal Traders in Cape Town and Joberg for the last year and half and have documented the legal matters regarding Informal Trade. Your assumption that what is happening here is against the constitution is correct and I have the proof.

    Please see my documentation here :

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