Cape of Chaos

So today, while walking to go draw my now available funds for rent and busfare,
I ran into this

The Daily sun is known for sensationalism and hyperbole, and sometimes just straight fantasy, but I took this.
Interesting in many ways. Because, well, it's Chaos. The breakdown of accepted social order and the illusions of social norms. The ideas that we hold of humanity, humaneness and co-operation were marred, damaged and soiled. Because of the riots. It's just a telling sign. You can only treat people like (I use the term hesitantly) lower animals for so long before they start behaving like them. Disorder is manufactured. Over years and years, they fueled dissent, churning and turning the gears of breakdown. The bodies of our dead clog the gears of the proletariat apparatus. And it's not the rich or successful that were harmed. The poor stall merchants had their wares looted and destroyed.

But chaos comes because chaos never left. We curb it, like the urge to pee. We fight the urge to scream when we need to scream. We fight the urge to protest consistently and intelligently because too many of our people don't have access to the manufactured tools of dissent. But there's always raw anarchy. creating one's own tools and weapons of dissent.
Have the rioters gained anything besides stolen handbags and cellphone peripherals? are the government any more moved now than they were? Doubt it.

So I drew up a sigil, invoking Chaos to put the people of Cape Town into perspective. For them to know that this riot is inherently natural. And if they do not stifle nature, it will liberate them. I am just one person. But I am an army, a collective. A genetic amalgam here to make the changes felt. And this is what I came up with. Sigil Magick for the not-so Fairest Cape.

It is loaded with intention from the Chaotic Front, and I would like you to attach your intentions too. If you see the disorder as a sign, as a communique to the powers that be. forward this, share this. And speak into your screen. "Chaos never left"
It'll work. The magick always does.


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