Politics, Polly-ticks, Policy, Police-see

Is this blog political?  I have leanings towards yes and no. Therefore, I am ambivalent.
I ask because I feel like all pursuits for the preservation of life are political. Out of the love for all good things (people included) I feel that one cannot just shut up and watch forests go, cities polluted and imbeciles rape the economy. Because the money in their pockets is the money in ours. How does one make peace with violence? Poverty is violent.  Not having enough to eat at school, is violence. Not having enough text books, is abuse. Just because no one is bleeding when the harm happens, does not make it any less brutal.

ESPN airs the Scripps National Spelling BEE every year. And it is amazing to see kids working with words as sport. How are we to give value to a nation that cannot even see its own children as intellectuals? How is education and the power of words not political?  How come the House of Parliament of the Republic of South Africa has a DSTV channel yet cannot air the proceeding on their national broadcaster. Ignorance is nurtured and engendered. OI understand of course. The country obviously doesn’t need 5000 Nelson Mandelas, Steve Bikos and Chris Hanis. Who does, anyway? Do we need intelligent students who will do everything in their power to ensure national unity and economic growth? Do we need more farmers to feed us so we don’t import simple things like corn? Do we actually need Engineers in this country to build our streets so that China doesn’t have to?

Tell me: what isn’t political? When is the State actually separate from our daily lives? When do we not access money, land and water? Simple concepts, like where I can stand when I feel like it, are political. Words I can use when addressing someone in public, are political.

So inasmuch as I love being in love. Inasmuch as I love going to take a swim at the beach, I have to think beyond my self. Even my spiritual health is often political. The state of the world is such that the ones controlling the economy and resources have politicized everything. We cannot drink water without thinking about what’s in it. And to think, we have to inform our ethos. To inform our ethos we need to educate. To educate, we need access to educational resources. To access educational resources we need to be either funded or self-funded, cause education costs. So if you’re poor, the chances are you won’t be able to afford the information you need to improve your world.  Quality of life is political.


1.     http://scholar.sun.ac.za/  (University of Stellenbosch Academic Repository)
3.     http://hermetic.com/  (The Hermetic library. For all esoteric and educational needs)


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